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Toadstool (Fungi.)

Persons with light hair; skin and muscles lax. Old people with weak, indolent circulation. Drunkards, especially for their headaches; bad effects after a debauch (Lob., Nux, Ran.). Delirium: with constant raving; tries to get out of bed; in typhoid or typhus. Headaches: of those who readily become delirious in fever or with pain (Bell.); of persons subject to chorea, twitchings or grimaces; from spinal affections. Chilblains, that itch and burn intolerably; frostbite and all consequences of exposure to cold, especially in face. Involuntary movements while awake, cease during sleep; chorea, form simple motions and jerks of single muscles to dancing of whole body; trembling of whole body (twitching of muscles of face, Myg.). Sensation as if ice touched or ice-cold needles were piercing the skin; as from hot needles. Burning, itching, redness of various parts; ears, nose, face, hands and feet; parts red, swollen, hot. Uncertainty in walking, stumbles over everything in the way; heels pain as if beaten, when standing. Spine sensitive to touch (Ther.); worse mornings. Pain: sore, aching, in lumbar and sacral regions; during exertion in the day time; while sitting (Zinc.). Spinal irritation due to sexual excesses (Kali p.). Nervous prostration after sexual debauches. Epilepsy from suppressed eruptions (Psor., Sulph.). Every motion, every turn of body, causes pain in spine. Single vertebra sensitive to touch. Prolapsus, post-climacteric; bearing-down pain almost intolerable (compare, Lilium, Murex, Sepia). Exteremely sensitive to cold air (Cal., Kali c., Psor.). Complaints appear diagonally; upper left and lower right side (Ant. t., Stram. - upper right, lower left, Ambr., Brom., Med., Phos., Sul. ac.).
. - Similar; to, Act., Cal., Can. Ind., Hyos., Kali p., Lach., Nux, Op., Stram., in delirium of alcoholism; to, Myg., Tar., Zinc., in chorea.
. - After eating; after coitus; cold air; mental application; before a thunder-storm (Phos., Psor.).


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