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Adapted to women, dark hair, rigid fibre; thin, of a sanguine temperament; who suffer from too early and too profuse menses. Sexual organs exceedingly sensitive; cannot bear the napkin to touch her; will go into spasms from an examination; vulva painfully sensitve during coitus: will faint during or cannot endure, coitus (compare, Mur., Orig.). The pains increase gradually and as gradually decrease (Stan.); are attended with numbness of parts (Cham.). For hysterical patients; alternately gay and sad, who cry easily (Croc., Ign., Puls.); pale, easily fatigued. Arrogant, proud, contemptuous and haughty; pitiful "looking down" upon people usully venerated; a kind of "casting them off" unwillingly. Mental delusions, as if everything about her were small; all persons physically and mentally inferior, but she physically large and superior. Sensation of growing larger in every direction. Trifling things produce profound vexation (Ign., Staph.); remains a long time in the sulks. Satiety of life, with taciturnity and fear of death (Acon., Ars.). Mental symptoms appear as physical symptoms disappear and vice versa. Headache: numb, heavy pain in brain or on vertex; from anger or chagrin; hysterical, from uterine disease; pains gradually increase and decrease. Nymphomania: < in lying-in women; excessive sexual development, especially in virgins (Kali p.); vaginismus, spasms and constriction. Menses too early, too profuse, too long-lasting; dark-clotted, offensive, with bearing down spasms; pains in uterus with twitching; genitals sensitive. Excessive itching in uterus; pruritis vulvae. Constipation; while traveling (at sea, Bry.); after lead poisoning; from inertia of bowels; frequent, unsuccessful urging; stools adhere to rectum and anus like soft clay (Alum.); of emigrants; of pregnancy; obstinate cases after Nux has failed. Metrorrhagia: flow in black clots and fluid; thick black, tarry or in grumous mass (Croc.).
. - Compare: Aur., Croc., Ign., Kali p., Puls., Sep., Stan.; Val. the vegetable analogue.


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