Weakly, delicate,, psoric children; prone to brain troubles (Bell., Cal., Tub.); with serous effusion. Melancholy: woeful; despairing; silent; with anguish; after typhoid; in girls at puberty, or when menses fail to return after appearing. Irritable, easily angered; consolation < (Ign., Nat., Sep., Sil.); does not want to be disturbed (Gels., Nat.); Unconscious; stupid; answers slowly when questioned; a picture of acute idiocy (of chronic, Bar. c.). Brain symptoms during dentition (Bell., Pod.); threatening effusion (Apis., Tub.). Meningitis: acute, cerebro-spinal, tubercular, with exudation; paralysis more or less complete; with the cri encephalique. Vacant, thoughtless staring; eyes wide open; insensible to light; pupils dilated, or alternately contracted and dilated. Soporous sleep, with screams, shrieks, starts. Hydrocephalus, post-scarlatinal or tubercular which develops rapidly (Apis, Sulph., Tub.); automatic motion of one arm and leg. Convulsions with extreme coldness of body, except head or occiput, which may be hot (Arn.). Greedily swallows cold water; bites spoon, but remains unconscious. Chewing motion of the mouth; corners of mouth sore, cracked; nostrils dirty and sooty, dry. Constantly picking his lips, clothes, or boring into his nose with the finger (while perfectly conscious, Arum.). Boring head into pillow: rolling from side to side; beating head with hands. Diarrhoea: during acute hydrocephalus, dentition, pregnancy; watery; clear, tenacious, colorless, mucus; white, jelly-like mucus; like frog spawn; involuntary. Urine: red, black, scanty, coffee-ground sediment; suppressed in brain troubles and dropsy; albuminous. Dropsy: of brain, chest, abdomen; after scarlatina, intermittents; with fever, debility, suppressed urine; from suppressed exanthemata (Apis, Zinc.).
. - Compare: Apis, Apos., Ars., Bell., Bry., Dig., Lach., Sulph., Tab., Zinc. in brain or meningeal affections.
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