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Boneset. (Compositae.)

Adapted to diseases of old people; worn-out constitutions, especially from inebriety; cachexia, from prolonged or frequent attacks of bilious or intermittent fevers. Bruised feeling, as if broken, all over the body (Arn., Bellis, Pyr.). Bone pains affecting back, head, chest, limbs, especially the wrists, as if dislocated. The more general and severe, the better adapted (compare, Bry., Mer.). Painful soreness of eyeballs; coryza, aching in every bone; great prostration in epidemic influenza (Lac. c.). Pains come quickly and go quickly and go away quickly (Bell., Mag. p., Eup. pur.). Vertigo; sensation as if falling to the left (cannot turn the head to the left for fear of alling, Col.). Cough: chronic; loose with hectic; chest sore, must support it with hands (Bry., Nat. c.); < at night; following measles or suppressed intermittents. Fever: chill to 9 a. m. one day, at noon the next day; bitter vomiting at close of chill; drinking hastens chill and causes vomiting; bone painsbefore and during chillInsatiable thirst before and during chill and fever; knows chill is coming because he cannot drink enough.
. - Is followed well: by, Nat. m. and Sep. Compare: Chel., Pod., Lyc., in jaundiced conditions. Bryonia is the nearest analogue, having free sweat, but pains keep patient quiet; while Eup. has scanty sweat and pains make patient restless.


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