The potencies are made with alcohol (an exception to the rule of preparing acids). Pains are terrible; come suddenly, last a short time, disappear suddenly (Bell., Mag. p.). Profound prostration, collapse; surface pale and bathed in cold sweat (Camph., Carbo v., Ver.). Physical exertion, even much walking, brings on abscess in some part, but generally in the right ear. - R. T. Cooper. Dull, heavy, frontal headache, as if a rubber band were stretched tightly over the forehead, from temple to temple (Gels., Plat., Sulph.). When burns tend to ulceration and ichorous discharge. Putrid discharges from mouth, nose, throat, nostrils, rectum and vagina (Anthr., Psor., Pyr.). Malignant scarlatina and variola (Am. c.). Lacerated wounds with blunt instruments; bones bare, crushed; much sloughing of soft parts (Calend.). Longing for whiskey and tobacco (Asar., Carbo. v.). Vomiting: of drunkards, in pregnancy, sea-sickness, cancer; of dark, olive-green fluid (Pyr.). Dysentery: fluid mucus, like scarpings of mucus membranes, and great tenesmus (Canth.); diarrhoea, stool thin, involuntary, black, of an intolerable odor. Constipation, with horrible offensive breath (Op., Psor.). Leucorrhoea: acid, copious, fetid, green.
. - Compare: Ars., Kreos, in burns; ulcers with unhealthy, offensive discharges, Gels., Mer., Sulph. Carbolic acid is antidoted by dilute cider vinegar, either externally or internally, when acid has been swallowed accidentally, or taken for suicidal purposes.
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