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Sulphuret of Lime (CaS)

For torpid lymphatic constitutions; persons with light hair and complexion, slow to act, muscles soft and flabby. The slightest injury causes suppression (Graph., Mer.). Diseases where the system has been injured by the abuse of Mercury. In diseases where suppuration seems inevitable, Hepar may open the abscess and hasten the cure. Oversensitive, physically and mentally; the slightest cause irritates him; quick, hasty speech and hasty drinking. Patient is peevish, angry at the least trifle; hypochondriacal; unreasonably anxious. Extremely sensitive to cold air, imagines he can feel the air if a door is open in the next room; must be wrapped up to the face even in hot weather (Psor.); cannot bear to be uncovered (Nux - cannot bear to be covered, Camp., Sec.); take cold from slightest exposure to fresh air (Tub.). Urine: flow impeded; voided slowly, without force, drops vertically; is obliged to wait a while before it passes; bladder weak, is unable to finish, seems as if some urine always remains (Alum., Sil.). Cough: when any part of the body is uncovered (Rhus); croupy, choking, stranglingfrom exposure to dry west wind, the land wind (Acon.). Asthma: breathing, anxious, wheezing, rattling; short, deep breathing, threatens suffocation; must bend head back and sit up; after suppressed eruption (Psor.). Croup: after exposure to dry cold wind (Acon.); deep, rough, barking cough, with hoarseness and rattling of mucus; < cold air, cold drinks, before mid-night or toward morning. Sensation of a splinter, fish bone or plug in the throat (Arg. n., Nit. ac.); quinsy, when suppuration threatens; chronic hypertrophy, with hardness of hearing (Bar., Lyc., Plumb., Psor.). The skin is very sensitive to touch, cannot bear even clothes to touch affected parts (Lach. - sensitive to slightest touch, but can bear hard pressure, Cinch.). Skin affections extremely sensitive to touch, the pain often causing fainting. Ulcers herpes surrounded by little pimples or pustules and spread by coalescing. Middle of lower lip cracked (Am. c., Nat. m. - cracks in commissures, Cund.). Eyeballs: sore to touch; pain as if they would be pulled back into head (Olean., Paris). Diarrhoea: of children with sour smell (Cal., Mag. c. - child and stool have a sour smell, Rheum); clay colored stool (Cal., Pod.). Sweats: profusely day and night without relief; perspiration sour, offensive; easily, on every mental or physical exertion (Psor., Sep.).
. - Complementary: to, Calendula in injuries of soft parts. Hepar antidotes: bad effects of mercury and other metals, iodine, iodide of potash, cod-liver oil; renders patient less susceptable to atmospheric changes and cold air. Compare: The psoric skin affections of Sulphur are dry, itching, > by scratching, and not sensitive to touch; while in Hepar the skin is unhealthy, suppurating, moist, and extremely sensitive to touch.
. - Lying on painful side (Kali c., Iod.); cold air; uncovering; eating or drinking cold things; touching affected parts; abuse of mercury.
. - Warmth in general (Ars.); wrapping up warmly, especially the head (Psor., Sil.); in damp, wet weather (Caust., Nux - rev of, Nat. s.).


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