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Sodium Sulphate (NaOSO3,10Aq)

Ailments which are < by, or which depend upon, dampness of weather, damp houses or cellars (Aran.). Patient feets every change from dry to wet; cannot tolerate sea air, nor eat plants that thrive near water; a constitution in which gonorrhoeal poison is most pernicious; recovers slowly from every sickness. Every spring, skin affections reappear (Psor.). Inability to think (Nat. c.). Sad, gloomy, irritable; worse in mornings; dislikes to speak or be spoken to (Iod., Sil.). Depressed; lively music makes her sad; satiety of like; must use great self-control to prevent shooting himself. Mental traumatism; mental effects from injuries to head; chronic brain effects of blows, falls. Granular lids: like small blisters (Thuja); green pus and terrible photophobia; gonorrhoeal or sycotic. Nosebleed during menses (instead of menses, Bry., Puls.). Toothache > by cold water, cool air (Coff., Puls.). Dirty, greenish-gray or brown coating on tongue. Diarrhoea: sudden, urging, gushing, much flatus; on first rising and standing on the feet; after a spell of wet weather; living on working in basements. Gonorrhoea: greenish-yellow, painless, thick discharge (Puls.); chronic or suppressed (thick, green, Kali iod.). Dyspnoea; desire to take a deep breath during damp, cloudy weather. Humid asthma in children; with every change to wet weather; with every fresh cold; always worse in damp, rainy weather; sputa green, greenish, copious (greenish grey, Cop.). Sycotic pneumonia; lower lobe of left lung; great soreness of chest, during cough, has to sit up in bed and hold the chest with both hands (Nic. - right lung, Bry.). Spinal meningitis: violent crushing gnawing pains at base of brain; head drawn back; spasms with mental irritability and delirium; violent congestion of blood to head; delirium; opisthotonos.
. - Compare: Nat. m. and Sulph., which are very similar; Thuja and Merc., in syphillis and sycosis occurring in hydrogenoid constitutions.
. - Damp basements or dwellings; damp weather (Aran., Ars. i., Dul.); rest; lying.
. - Dry weather; pressure, sitting up (cough); changing position (but > in wet weather, Caust.); open air. Must change position frequently, but it is painful and gives little relief (Caust.).


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