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Peruvian Bark (Rubiaceae)

For stout, swarthy persons; for systems, once robust, which have become debilitated, "broken down" from exhausting discharges (Carbo v.). Apathetic, indifferent, taciturn (Phos. ac.); despondent, gloomy, has no desire to live, but lacks courage to commit suicide. Ailments: from loss of vital fluids, especially haemorrhagesexcessive lactation, diarrhoea, suppuration (Chin. s.); of malarial origin, with marked periodicity; return every other day. After climacteric with profuse haemorrhages; acute diseases often result in dropsy. Pains: drawing or tearing; in every joint, all the bones. Peristeum, as if strainted, sore all over; obliged to move limbs frequently, as motion gives relief; renewed by contact, and then gradually increase to a great height. Headache: as if the skull would burst; intense throbbing of head and carotids, face flushed; from occiput over whole head; < sitting or lying, must stand or walk; after haemorrhage or sexual excesses. Face pale, hippocratic; eyes sunken and surrounded by blue margins; pale, sickly expression as after excesses; toothache while nursing the child. Excessive flatulence of stomach and bowels; fermentation, borborygmus, belching gives no relief (belching relieves, Carbo v.); < after eating fruit (Puls.). Colic: at a certain hour each day; periodical, form gall-stones (Card.m.); worse at night and after eating; better bending double (Coloc.). Great debility, trembling, aversion to exercise; sensitive to touchto pain, to drafts of air; entire nervous system extremely sensitive. Unrefreshing sleep or constant sopor; < after 3 a. m.; wakens early. Haemorrhages: of mouth, nose, bowels or uterus; long continued; longing for sour things. Disposition to haemorrhage from every orifice of the body, with ringing in ears, fainting, loss of sight, general coldness, sometimes convulsions (Fer., Phos.). Pains are < by slightest touch, but > by hard presure (Caps., Plumb.). One hand icy cold, the other warm (Dig., Ipec., Puls.). Intermittent fever: paroxysm anticipates from two to three hours each attack (Chin. s.); returns every seven or fourteen days; never at night; sweats profusely all over on being covered, or during sleep (Con.).
. - Complementary: Ferrum. Follows well: Cal. p. in hydrocephaloid. Compare: Chin. s. in intermittent fever, anticipating type. Incompatible: after, Dig., Sel. Is useful in bad effects from excessive tea drinking or abuse of chamomile tea, when haemorrhage results.
. - From slightest touch; draft of air; every other day; mental emotions; loss of vital fluids.
. - Hard pressure; bending double.


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