Nervous persons who dread a storm and are particularly afraid of thunder; < before a storm, especially an electrical storm (Nat. c., Phos., Psor., Sil.). Toothache, every spring and fall during sharp east winds; worse from change of weather, thunderstorm, windy weather. Acute inflammatory swelling of joints, wandering from one joint to another; severe at night; < in rest and during rough stormy weather (Kalm.). Rheumatic drawing, tearing pains in all the limbs, worse at rest and in wet, cold windy weather (Rhus). Cannot get sleep or remain asleep unless legs are crossed. Gout with fibrous deposit in great toe-joint, rheumatic, often mistaken for bunion (Colch., Led.). Induration and swelling of the testicle after gonorrhoea or rheumatic exposure (Clem.); orchitis, sensation in gland as if it were being crushed (Aur., Cham.).
. - Compare: Bry., Con., Cal., Led., Lyc., Sep., Rhus.
. - Stormy, windy weather, electrical changes in the atmosphere; on approach of thunderstorm; symptoms reappear with rough weather.
. - Better from wrapping the head warmly; dry heat and exercise.
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