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Poison Nut. (Loganiaccae.)

Adapted to thin, irritable, careful, zealous persons with dark hair and bilious or sanguine temperament. Disposed to be quarrelsome, spiteful, malacious; nervous and melancholic. Debauchers of a thin, irritable, nervous disposition; prone to indigestion and haemorrhoids (persons with light hair, blue eyes, Lob.). "Nux is chiefly successful with persons of an ardent character; of an irritable, impatient temperament, disposed to anger, spite or deception." - Hahnemann. Anxiety with irritability and inclination to commit suicide, but is afraid to die. Hypochondriac: literary, studious persons, who are too much at home, suffer from want of exercise, with gastric, abdominal complaints and costiveness; especially in drunkards. Oversensitiveto external impressions; to noise, odors, light or music (Nux m.); trifling ailments are unbearable (Cham.); every harmless word offends (Ign.). Persons who are very particular, careful, but inclined to become easily excited or angered; irascible and tenacious. Bad effects of: coffee, tabacco, alcoholic stimulants; highly spiced or seasoned food; over-eating (Ant. c.); long continued mental over- exertion; sedentary habits; loss of sleep (Coc., Colch., Nit. ac.); aromatic or patent medicines; sitting on cold stones; specially in warm weather. One of the best remedies with which to commence treatment of cases that have been drugged by mixtures, bitters, vegetable pills, nostrums or quack remedies, especially aromatic or "hot medicines." but only if symptoms correspond. Convulsions, with consciousness (Strych.); < anger, emotion, touch, moving. Pains are ingling, sticking, hard, aching, worse from motion and contact. Tendency to faint (Nux m., Sulph.); from odors; in morning; after eating; after every labor pain. Cannot keep from falling asleep in the evening while sitting or reading hours before bedtime, and wakes at 3 or 4 a. m.; falls into a dreamy sleep at daybreak from which he is hard to arouse, and then feels tired and weak (reverse of, Puls.). Catarrh: snuffles of infants (Am. c., Samb.); coryza, dry at night, fluent by day; < in warm room, > in cold air; from sitting in cold places, on stone steps. Eructations: sour, bitter, nausea and vomiting every morning with depression of spirits; after eating. Nausea: constant; after eating; in morning; from smoking; and feels "If I could only vomit I would be so much better.". Stomach: pressure an hour or two after eating as from a stone (immediately after, Kali bi., Nux m.); pyrosis, tightness, must loosen clothing; cannot use the mind for two or three hours after a meal; sleepy after dinner; from anxiety, worry, brandy, coffee, drugs, night watching, high living, etc. Constipation; with frequent unsuccessful desire, passing small quantities of faeces (in upper abdomen, Ign., Ver.); sensation as if not finished. Frequent desire fro stool; anxious, ineffectual, > for a time after stool; in morning after rising; after mental exertion (inactive, no desire, Bry., Op., Sulph.). Alternate constipation and diarrhoea (Sulph., Ver.), in persons who have taken purgatives all their lives. Menses: too early, profuse, lasts too long; or keeping on several days longer, with complaints at onset and remaining after; every two weeks; irregular, never at right time; stopping and starting again (Sulph.); during and after, < of old symptoms. Labor pains: violent, spasmodic; cause urging to stool or urinate; < in back; prefers a warm room. Strangulated hernia, especially umbilical. Backache: must sit up to turn over in bed; lumbago; from sexual weakness, from masturbation. Repugnance to cold or to cold air; chilly, on least movement; from being uncovered; must be covered in every stage of fever - chill, heat or sweat. Fever: great heat, whole body burning hot (Acon.), face red and hot (Bell.), yet patient cannot move or uncover without being chilly.
. - Complemenatary: Sulphur in nearly all diseases. Inimical: to, Zinc.; must not be used before or after. Follows well: after, Ars., Ipec., Phos., Sep., Sulph. Is followed well: by, Bry., Puls., Sulph. Nux should be given on retiring or, what is better, several hours before going to bed; it acts best during repose of mind and body.
. - Morning: waking at 4 a. m.; mental exertion; after eating or over-eating; touch, noise, anger, spices, narcotics, dry weather; in cold air.
. - In evening, while at rest; lying down, and in damp, wet weather (Caust.).


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