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Sulphuric Acid. (HNO4.)

Adapted to the light-haired; old people, especially women; flushes of heat in climacteric years. Unwilling to answer questions not from obstinacy, but inaptness. Feels in a great hurry; everything must be done quickly (Arg. n.). Pain of gradual and slowly-increasing intensity which ceases suddenly when at its height, often repeated (Puls.). The pain is pressure as of a blunt instrument. Tendency to gangrene following mechanical injuries, especially of old people. Child has a sour odor despite careful washing (Hep., Mag. c., Rheum). Sensation as if the brain was loose in forehead and falling from side to side (Bell., Bry., Rhus, Spig.). Aphthae; of mouth, gums, or entire buccal cavity; gums bleed readily; ulcers painful; offensive breath (Bor.). Chronic heartburn, sour eructations, sets teeth on edge (Rob.). Water drunk causes coldness of the stomach unless mixed with alcoholic liquor. Sensation as if trembling all over, without real trembling; internal trembling of drunkards. Bad effects of mechanical injuries, with bruises, chafing and livid skin; prostration (Acet. ac.). Ecchymosis; cicatrices turn blood-red or blue, are painful (turn green, Led.). Petechia: purpura haemorrhagia; blue spots; livid, red itching blotches. Haemorrhage of black blood from all the outlets of the body (Crot., Mur. ac., Nit. ac., Ter.). Concussion of brain from fall or blow where skin is cold and body bathed in cold sweat. Weak and exhausted from deep-seated dyscrasia; no other symptoms (Psor., Sulph.).
. - Complementary Puls. Compare: Ars., Bor., Calend., Led., Ruta, Rheum, Symp. In contusion and laceration of soft parts it vies with calendula. Follows well: after, Arn. with bruised pain, livid skin and profuse sweat; after, Led. in ecchymosis. Ailments from brandy-drinking. Sulphuric acid, one part, with three parts of alcohol, 10 to 15 drops, three times daily for three or four weeks, has been successfully used to subdue the craving for liquor - Hering.


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