Indicated Mainly In
For convulsions, epilepsy, cramps and spasmodic affections, neuralgia, sciatica.
It is a constituent of muscles, nerves, brain, bone, spine, teeth and blood corpuscles. It helps to create the white fibres of the muscles and nerves. It uses water and albumen to form the transparent fluid, which nourishes the white threads and fibres of nerves and muscles. The deficiency of this salt allows the fibres to contract, causing spasms, cramps, convulsions and other nervous phenomena. It is a remedy to be thought of in all maladies having their origin in nerve cells and in the muscular tissue. It is particularly indicated in lean, thin, emaciated persons of a highly nervous temperament. Magnesia patient is always languid, tired and easily exhausted. The value of this remedy is shown in all forms of spasms, cramps, tetanus. St. Vits dance, epilepsy, spasmodic retention of urine, paralysis agitans, hiccup, whooping cough, chorea. It is the remedy for the neuralgic pains in the head, face, teeth, car, stomach, abdomen etc. spasmodic palpitation of the heart, dysmenorrhoea. Attacks are often attended with great prostration, sometimes with profuse sweat. Valuable remedy for flatulent colic forcing the patient to bend double. Dysentery with cramp-like pains, angina pectoris, sciatica with excruciating spasmodic pains, angina pectoris, sciatica with excruciating spasmodic pain writer’s and piano-player’s cramps. All pains are lightening-like, shooting or boring, and change their location frequently and are worse on the right side, from cold air, washing in cold water, and from touch. Relieved by warmth pressure, friction and by bending double.
State Of Tongue
Clean / coated white. Dry mouth, sticky saliva at corners of lip.
Diarrohoea watery, menstrual flow - dark, clotted, intermittent.
Open air.Cold air.Uncovering.Touching.Motion.Cold drinks.Pressure.At Night.
Warm room.Warm weather.Hot drinks.Light pressure.Friction.Bending over double.
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