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Cevadilla. (Liliaceae)

Suited to persons of light hair, fair complexion with a weak, relaxed muscular system. Worm affections of children (Cina, Sil., Spig.). Nervous diseases; twitching, convulsive tremblings, catalepsy; from worms (Cina, Psor.). Illusions: that he is sick; parts shrunken; that she is pregnant when merely distended from flatus; that she has some horrible throat disease that will be fatal. Delirium during intermittents (Pod.). Sneezing: in spasmodic paroxysyms; followed by lachrymation; copious watery coryza; face hot and eyelids red and burning. Diphtheria, tonsillitis; can swallow warm food more easily; stitches and most symptoms, especially of throat, go from left to right (Lach., Lac. c.). Sensation of a skin hanging loosely in throat; must swallow over it. Headache: from too much thinking, too close application of attention (Arg. n.); from worms. Dryness of fauces and throat. Parchment-like dryness of skin.
. - Compare: Col, Colch., Lyc., where < is from 4 to 8 p. m.; Puls., Sab. > in open air. Follows: Bry. and Ran. b. well in pleurisy, and has cured after Acon. and Bry. failed.


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