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Horse Chestnut (Sapindaccae.)
For persons with haemorrhoidal tendencies, and who suffer with gastric, bilious or catarrhal troubles. Fullness in various parts, as from undue amount of blood; heart, lungs, stomach, brain, pelvis, skin. Venous congestion, especially portal and haemorrhoidal. Despondent, gloomy; very irritable; looses temper easily and gains control slowly; miserably cross (Cham.). Mucous membranes of mouth, throat, rectum are swollen, burn, feel dry and raw. Coryza; thin, watery, burning: rawness and sensitive to inhaled cold air. Follicular pharyngitis; violent burning, raw sensation in throat; dryness and roughness of throat. Frequent inclination to swallow, with burning, pricking, stinging and dry constricted fauces (Apis, Bell.). Rectum: dryness and heat of; feets as if full of small sticks; knife-like pains shoot up the rectum (Ign., Sulph.); haemorrhoids blind, painful, burning purplish; rarely bleeding. Rectum sore, with fullness, burning and itching (Sulph.). Constipation: hard, dry stool, difficult to pass; with dryness and heat of rectum; severe lumbo-sacral backache. Stool followed by fullness of rectum and intense pain in anus for hours (Aloe, Ign., Mur. ac., Sulph.). Prolapsus uteri and acrid, dark leucorrhoea, with lumbo-sacral backache and great fatigue, from walking. Severe dull backache in lumbo-sacral articulation; more or less constant; affecting sacrum and hips. Back "gives out" during pregnancy, prolapsus, leucorrhoea; when walking or stooping; must sit or lie down. Sensation of heaviness and lameness in back. Paralytic feeling in arms, legs and spine.
. Similar: to, Aloe, Coll., Ign., Mur. ac., Nux, Sulph., in haemorrhoids. After Coll. had improved piles, Aesc often cures. Useful after Nux and Sulph. has improved, but failed to cure piles.
. Motion; backache and soreness, by walking and stooping; inhaling cold air.


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