B ARBERS itch is a staphylococcus infection of the hair follicles in the beard area of the face, usually the upper lip.Saving aggravates the condition. symptom Skin lesion, which may be open sore doomed nodules. Reddened lesion, which may drain fluid. localization swelling and induration (hardening of tissue) Tender and warm affected area fever or chils in some comes Medical Advice Prevent and watch for bacterial infections. keep the skin around minor wound clean and dry. B est homoeopathic doctor in patna best in boring road best doctor near me best doctor for eczema best doctor for skin disease best doctor in dermatology best doctor psoriasis best doctor for skin complain best skin doctor for acne best skin doctor pimples best for treatment for oily skin best for muhasa ` best for hair treatment homeopathic doctor near me homoeopatthic clinic near me www.drmayankmadhu.com https:/...