The periodical sick headache; begins in morning, increases during the day, lasts until evening; head feels as if it would burst, or as if eyes would be pressed out; relieved by sleep. American sick headache, > by perfect quiet in a dark room ("tired headache" from over mental or physical exertion, epigea; sick headache < during rest > by rubbing, pressure, motion, Indigo). Headache begins in occiput, spreads upwards and settles over right eye (Sil., - over or in left orbit, Spig.). Headaches, return at the climacteric; every seventh day (Sabad., Sil., Sulph. - eight day, Iris). Neuralgia of face > by kneeling down and pressing the head firmly against the floor; pain extends in all directions from the upper jaw. Circumscribed red cheeks in afternoon; burning in ears; in bronchitis, pneumonia, phthisis. Rheumatic pain in the right arm and shoulder (left, Fer.); cannot raise the arm, < at night. Pains in places where the bones are least covered, as tibia, backs of hands, etc (Rhus ven.). Burning in pharynx and oesophagus. Laryngeal or nasal polypi (Sang. n., Psor., Tuec.). Climacteric ailments: flushes of heat and leucorrhoea; burning of palms and soles; compelled to throw off bedclothes; painful enlargement of breasts; when Lachesis and Sulphur fail to relieve. Asthma after the "rose cold," < from odors. Cough: dry, waking him at night and not ceasing until he sits up in bed and passes flatus; circumscribed red cheeks; night sweats; diarrhoea. Severe cough after whooping-cough; the cough returns every time patient takes cold. Eruption on face of young women, especially during scanty menses (Bellis, Cal., Eug. j., Psor.).
. - Compare: Bell., Iris, Mellil., in sick headache; Lach., Sulph., Ver. v., in chronic bronchitis or latent pneumonia. After Bell. fails in scarlatina. As a dynamic remedy for the narcosis of Opium.
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