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Tin. (The Element.)

Extreme exhaustion of mind and body. Sinking, empty, all-gone sensation in stomach (Chel., Phos., Sep.). Sad, despondent, feels like crying all the time, but crying makes her worse (Nat. m., Puls., Sep.); faint and weak, especially when going down stairs; can go up well enough (Bor., - rev. of Calc.). Headache or neuralgia; pains begin lightly and increase gradually to the highest point and then gradually decline (Plat.). Colic: > by hard pressure, or by laying abdomen across knee or on shoulder (Col.); lumbrici; passes worms. Menses; too early, too profuse; sadness before; pain in malar bones, during. Leucorrhoea; great debility; weakness seems to proceed from chest (from abdomen, pelvis, Phos., Sep.). Prolapsus, worse during stool (with diarrhoea, Pod.); so weak she drops into a chair instead of sitting down. While dressing in the morning has to sit down several times to rest. Nausea and vomiting; in the morning; from the odor of cooking food (Ars., Colch.). When singing or using the voice, aching and weakness in deltoid and arms. Great weakness in chest; < from talking, laughing, reading aloud, singing; so weak, unable to talk. Cough: deep, hollow, shattering, strangling; concussive, in paroxysms of three coughs (of two, Merc.); dry, while in bed, in evening; empty sensation in chest. Expectoration: profuse like the white of an egg; sweetish, salty (Kali i., sep.); sour, putrid, musty; yellow, green pus (heavy, green, salty, Kali i.); during the day. Hoarseness; deep, husky hollow voice; relieved for the time by coughing or expectorating mucus. Sweat: mouldy, musty odor; after 4 a. m. every morning; on neck and forehead; very debilitating.
. - Complementary: Pulsatilla. Stannum follows well; after, Caust., and is followed by Cal., Phos., Sil., Sulph., Tub.
. - Laughing and singing, talking, using the voice; lying on right side; drinking anything warm (from cold drinks, Spong.).
. - Coughing or expectorating relieves hoarseness; hard pressure (Col.).


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