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Iron. (The Element.)

Persons of sanguine temperament;; pettish, quarrelsome, disputative, easily excited, least contradiction angers (Anac., Coc., Ign.); > mental exertion. Irritability: slight noises like crackling of paper drive him to despair (Asar., Tar.). Women who are weak, delicate, chlorotic, yet have a fiery red face. Extreme paleness of the face, lips and mucous membranes which becomes red and flushed on the least pain, emotion or exertion. Blushing (Amyl., Coca.). Erethitic chlorosis, worse in winter. Red parts become white; face, lips, tongue and mucous membrane of mouth. Vertigo: with balancing sensation,, as if on water; on seeing flowing water; when walking over water, as when crossing a bridge (Lys.); on descending (Bor., Sanic.). Headache: hammering, beating, pulsating pains, must lie down; with aversion to eating or drinking. For two, three or four days every two or three weeks. Menses: too early, too profuse, too long lasting, with fiery red face; ringing in the ears; intermit two or three days and then return; flow pale, watery, debilitating. Haemorrhagic diathesis; blood bright red, coagulates easily (Fer. p., Ipec., Phos.). Regurgitation and eructation of food in mouthfuls (Alum.). without nausea. Canine hunger, or loss of appetite, with extreme dislike for all food. Vomiting: immediately after midnight; of ingesta, as soon as food is eaten; leaves table suddenly and with one effort vomits everything eaten, can sit down and eat again; sour, acid (Lyc., Sul. ac.). Diarrhoea: undigested stools at night, or while eating or drinking (Crot. t.); painless with a good appetite; of consumptives [Compare Kent's Lectures]. Constipation: from intestinal atony; ineffectual urging; stools hard, difficult, followed by backache or cramping pain in rectum; prolapsus recti of children; itching on anus at night. Always feels better by walking slowly about, although weakness obliges the patient to lie down. Cough only in the day time (Euphr.); relieved by lying down; > by eating (Spong.). Dropsy; after loss of vital fluids; abuse of quinine; suppressed intermittent (Carbo v., Cinch.).
. - Complementary: to, Alum., Cinch. Cinch.: the vegetable analogue follows well in nearly all diseases, acute or chronic. Should never be given in syphilis; always aggravates the condition.
. - At night; at rest, especially while sitting still.
. - Walking slowly about; in summer.


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