Indicated Mainly In
For neurasthenic condition in general, sleeplessness.
Kali Phos. is a constituent of the brain, nerves, muscles and blood vessels. It unites with albumen and creates nerve fluid or the gray matter of the brain. Nervous symptoms indicate a deficiency of this cell-salt, which must be supplied to restore the normal condition. Whatever disease can be traced to the nerve degeneracy, we enter the field of Kali Phos. Nervous condition known as neurasthenia is a field in which this salt has become prominently curative. The results of the want of nerve power, such as prostration, loss of mental vigor, depression, brain-fag, softening of the brain, insanity, paralysis, epilepsy, hysteria, locomotor ataxia and when there is rapid decomposition of the blood. It is curative in septic haemorrhages, scorbutus, gangrene, stomatitis, offensive carrion-like diarrhoea, dysentery, a dynamic or typhoid conditions, incontinence of urine, urticaria, predisposition of epistaxis in children, dizziness and vertigo from sleeplessness, nervous exhaustion, nervous dyspepsia, asthma, neuralgia, nervous headaches, tongue coated as if with dark liquid mustard. Symptoms are aggravated from noise, by mental or physical exertion, by rising from a sitting position. Pains worse in cold and ameliorated by gentle motion.
State Of Tongue
Stale, brownish - mustard like taste. Dry in the morning.
Blood thin,black,offensive odor. Burning scalding. Dysentry with pure blood, stools- offensive odour.
Noise.Being alone.Exertion.Cold.
Cheerful excitement.Gentle motion.Rest.Heat.
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