Excessive nervous excitability; hysterical nervous temperament (Ign., Puls.); persons in whom the intellectual faculties predominate; changeable disposition. Red parts become white (Fer.). Feels light as if floating in the air (Asar., Lac c., - as if legs were floating Sticta). Oversensitiveness of all the senses (Cham., Nux). Sensation of great coldness in head (on vertex, Sep., Ver.). Sensation as if a thread were hanging down throat (on tongue, Nat. Sil.). Child vomits: curdled milk, in large lumps; same in stools (Aeth.); as soon as it has nursed, after mother has been angry. Sciatica: pain < when standing and letting foot rest on floor (Bell.); when straightening out limb, during rest from previous exertion; > when walking.
. - Compare: Asaf., Asar., Croc., Ign., Lac c., Spig., Sulph. For the abuse of Chamomile tea. For pains in heels: Agar., Caust., Cyc., Led., Mang., Phyt.
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