Pain better while thinking of it (Hell. - worse, Cal. p., Helon., Ox. ac.). Persons physically and mentally weak and irritable. Exceedingly sensitive to cold air (Hep., Kali m., Psor.). Bad effects of shock from injury; surface of body cold, face pale, blue lips livid; profound prostration. Surface cold to the touch yet cannot bear to be covered; throws off all coverings (Med., Sec.). Entire body painfully sensitive to slightest touch. Tongue cold, flabby, trembling. Sudden attacks of vomiting and diarrhoea; nose cold and pointed; anxious and restless; skin and breath cold (Ver., Jatr.). In first stages of cholera morbus and Asiatic cholera; severe, long- lasting chill (Ver.). Great coldness of the surface with sudden and complete prostration of the vital force; often a remedy in congestive chill; pernicious intermittent (Ver.); pulse weak, externally small, scarcely perceptible. Measles and scarlatina when eruption does not appear; with pale or cold blue, hippocratic face; child will not be covered (Sec.). All sequelae of measles.
. - Camphor antidoes nearly every vegetable medicine; also tabacco, fruits containing prussic acid, poisonous mushrooms; should not be allowed in the sick room in its crude form; Compare: Carbo veg., Opium, Verat., Sec.
. - When thinking of existing complaint; warm air; drinking cold water. Note for thought. - All our progress as a school depends on the right view of the symptoms obtained by proving with Camphor and Opium. - Hering.
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