Congestions, relieved by haemorrhage. Engorgement of blood-vessels in any part of organ. Violent congestive or nervous headaches; epistaxis affords relief (Bufo, Ferr. p., Magn. s.). Convulsions: of nervous children during dentition (Bell.); infantile spasms, eclampsia, epilepsy. Religious melancholy with an intensely red face; insanity, in early stages, to relieve brain from pressure and irritation. Nosebleed preceded by intense redness, flushing of face and throbbing of carotids (Bell.); with general relief. Very red face precedes haemorrhage from every organ. Constipation: difficult, painful, constriction in anus; throbbing, fulness; no desire until there is a large accumulation (Alum.).
. - Compare: Amyl., Ant. c., in epistaxis after headache, but does not relieve; Bell., Glon., Sang. in congestive headache, red face, hot head, etc.
. - Approach of a storm; rainy, changeable weather.
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