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Tiger Lily. (Liliaceae.)

Affects principally the left side of the body (Lach., Thuja). Tormented about her salvation (Lyc., Sulph., Ver.), with ovarian or uterine complaints; consolation <. Wild, crazy feeling on vertex; confused ideas. Profound depression of spirits; can hardly avoid weeping; is very timid, fearful and weeps much; indifferent about what is being done for her. Anxious: about the disease; fears the symptoms indicate an organic affection; marked in both sexes. Disposed to curse, strike, to think obscene things (Anac., Lac c.); alternates with uterine irritation. Listless, yet cannot sit still; restless, yet does not want to walk; must keep busy to repress sexual desire. Desire to do something, hurried manner, yet has no ambition; aimless, hurried motion (Arg. n.). Fears: being alone, insanity, heart disease; fears she is incurable; some impending calamity or disease. Headaches and mental ailments depending on uterine irritation or displacement. Menstrual irregularities and irritable heart. Cannot walk on uneven ground; Pains in small spots; constantly shifting (Kali bi.). Frequent urging to urinate; if desire is not attended to, sensation of congestion in chest. Bearing-down sensation; in abdomen and pelvis, as though all organs would escape (Lac. c., Murex, Sep.); < supporting vulval with hand; with palpitation. Menses: early, scanty, dark, offensive; flow only when moving about; cease to flow when she ceases to walk (Caust. - on lying down, Kreos., Mag. c.). Sensation as if heart was grasped in a vise (Cac.); as if blood had all gone to the heart; feels full to bursting; inability to walk erect. Pulsations over whole body, and full, distented feeling as if blood would burst through the vessel (Aesc.). Palpitation, fluttering; faint, hurried, anxious sensation about apex; sharp pain in left chest awakens at night; irregular pulse; extremities cold and covered with cold sweat; < after eating, lying on either side (on left side, Lach.). Rapid heart-beat, 150 to 170 per minute. Constant desire to defecate and urinate (with prolapsus), from pressure in rectum. Weak and atonic condition of ovaries, uterus and pelvic tissues, resulting in anteversion, retroversion, sub-involution (Helon., Sep.); slow recovery after labor; nearly always with constipation, from inactivity.
. - Compare: Act., Agar., Cac., Helon.,


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