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Tobacco. (Solanaceae)

Diseases originating in cerebral irritation followed by marked irritation of functions of vagi. Emaciation of cheeks and back. Complete prostration of entire muscular system. Sensation of excessive wretchedness. Icy coldness of surface; covered with cold sweat. Symptoms occur in paroxysyms - asthma, sick headache, vertigo, sneezing. Great despondency with indigestion, palpitation, intermittent pulse. Vertigo: death-like pallor, increases to loss of consciousness; relieved in open air and by vomiting; on rising or looking upward; on opening the eyes. Sick headache coming on in early morning, intolerable by noon, deathly nausea, violent vomiting; < by noise and light; periodical, lasting one or two days. Sudden pain on right side, of head as if struck by a hammer or a club. Dim-sighted: see as though a veil; strabismus, depending upon brain troubles. Amaurosis, from atrophy of retina or optic nerve. Face pale, blue, pinched, sunken, collapsed, covered with cold sweat (cold sweat on forehad, Ver.). Nausea: incessant, as if seasick; vomiting, on least motion; with faintness; > in open air. Vomiting: violentwith cold sweatsoon as he begins to move; during pregnancy, when Lactic acid fails (Psor.). Seasickness; deathly nausea, pallor, coldness; < by least motion and > on deck in fresh, cold airTerrible, faint, sinking feeling at pit of stomach. Sense of relaxation of stomach with nausea (Ipec., Staph.). Child wants abdomen uncovered; relieves nausea and vomiting; coldness in abdomen (Colch., Elaps, Lach.). Constipation: inactive bowel or paralysis of rectum; spasms of sphincter; prolapsus ani; of years' standing; herpes of anus. Diarrhoea: sudden, yellowish, greenish, slimy; urgent, watery; with nausea, vomiting, prostration and cold sweat (Ver.); with extreme faintness; from excessive smoking. enal colic: violent spasmodic pains along ureter left side (Berb.); deathly nausea and cold perspiration. Palpitation: violent when lying on left side; goes off when turning to the right. Pulse: quick, full, large; small intermittent, exceedingly slow; feeble, irregular, almost imperceptible. Hands icy cold, body warm. Legs icy cold, from knees down; trembling of limbs.
. - Antidotes, for abuse of tobacco, are: Ipec., for excessive nausea and vomiting. Ars., for bad effects of tobacco chewing. Nux, for the gastric symptoms next morning after smoking. Phos., palpitation, tobacco heart, sexual weakness. Ign., for annoying hiccough from tobacco chewing. Clem., or Plant., for tobacco toothache. Sep., neuralgic affections of right side of face; dyspepsia; chronic nervousness, especially in sedentary occupations. Lyc., for impotence, spasms, cold sweat from excessive smoking. Gels., occipital headache and vertigo from excessive use, specially smoking. Tabaccum, potentized (200 or 1000) to relieve terrible craving when discontinuing use.
. - Open, fresh, cold air; uncovering.


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