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Ipecac. (Rubiaceae.)

Adapted to cases where the gastric symptoms predominate (Ant. c., Puls.); tongue clean or slightly coated. In all diseases with constant and continual nausea. Nausea: with profuse saliva; vomiting of white, glairy mucus in large quantities, without relief; sleepy afterwards; worse from stooping; the primary effects of tobacco; of pregnancy. Stomach: feels relaxed, as if hanging down (Ign., Staph.); clutching, squeezing, griping, as from a hand, each finger sharply pressing into intestines; worse from motion. Flatulent, cutting colic about umbilicus. Stool: grassy-green; of white mucus (Colch.); bloody; fermented, foamy, slimy, like frothy molasses. Autumnal dysentry; cold nights, after hot days (Colch., Merc.). Asiatic cholera, first symptoms, where nausea and vomiting predominate (Colch.). Haemorrhage: active or passive, bright-red from all the orifices of the body (Erig., Mill.); uterine, profuse, clotted; heavy, oppressed breathing during; stitches from navel to uterus. Cutting pains across abdomen from left to right (Lach., - from right to left, Lyc.). Cough: dry spasmodic, constricted, asthmatic. Difficult breathing from least exercise; violent dyspnoea, with wheezing and anxiety about the stomach. Whooping-cough: child loses breath, turns pale, stiff and blue; strangling, with gagging and vomiting of mucus; bleeding from nose or mouth (Indigo). Cough, with rattling of mucus in bronchi when inspiring (Ant. t.); threatened suffocation from mucus. Pains as if bones were all torn to pieces (as if broken, Eup.). Intermittent fever: in beginning of irregular cases; with nausea, or from gastric disturbance; after abuse of, or suppression from quinine. Intermittent dyspepsia, every other day at same hour; fever, with persistent nausea. Oversensitive to heat and cold.
. - Complementary: Cuprum. Is followed well: by, Ars. in influenza, chills, croup, debility, cholera infantum; by Ant. t., in foreign bodies in larynx. Similar: to, Puls., Ant. c., in gastric troubles.
. - Winter and dry weather; warm, moist, south winds (Euph.); slightest motion.


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