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A Product of Sepsis. (A Nosode.)

For sapraemia or septicemia; puerperal or surgical from ptomaine or sewer gas infection; during course of diphtheria, typhoid or tyhpus; when the best selected remedy fails to > or permanently improveThe bed feels hard (Arn.); parts lain on feel sore and bruised (Bapt.); rapid decubitus (Carb. ac.). Great restlessness; must move constantly to > the soreness of parts (Arn., Eup.). Tongue: large, flabbyclean, smooth as if varnished; fiery red; dry, cracked, articulation difficult (Crot., Ter.). Taste: sweetish; terribly fetidpus-like; as from an abscess. Vomiting: persistent; brownish, coffee-ground; offensive, stercoraceous; with impacted or obstructed bowels (Op., Plb.). Diarrhoea: horribly offensive (Psor.); brown or black (Lep.); painless, involuntary; uncertain, when passing flatus (Aloe, Olean.). Constipation: with complete inertia (Op., Sanic.); obstinate from impaction, in feversstool, large, black, carrion-likesmall black balls, like olives (Op., Plb.).[sheep dung?] Foetus: or secundines retained, decomposed; dead for days, black; horribly offensive discharge: "never well since" septic fever, following abortion or confinement. To arouse vital activity of uterus. Lochia: thin, acrid, brown, very fetid (Nit. ac.); suppressed, followed by chills, fever and profuse fetid perspiration. Distinct consciousness of a heart: it feels tired; as if enlarged; purring, throbbing, pulsating, constant in ears, preventing sleep; cardiac asthenia from septic conditions. Pulse abnormally rapid, out of all proportion to temperature (Lil.). Skin; pale, cold, of an ashy hue (Sec.); obstinate, varicose, offensive ulcers of old persons (Psor.). Chill: begins in the back, between scapulae; severe, general, of bones and extremities; marking onset of septic fever; temperature 103 to 106; head sudden, skin dry and burning; pulse rapid, small, wiry, 140 to 170; cold clammy sweat follows. In septic fevers, especially puerperal, Pyrogen has demonstrated its great value as a homeopathic dynamic antiseptic.
. - Compare: Ars., Carbo v., Carb. ac., Op., Psor., Rhus, Sec., Ver. Latent pyogenic process, patient continually relapsing after apparent simillimum.


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