Adapted to hydrogenoid constitution of Granvogl, which is related to sycosis as effect is to cause. Thuja bears the same relation to the sycosis of Hahnemann - fig warts, condylomata and wart-like excrescences upon mucous and cutaneous surfaces - that Sulphur does to psora or Mercury to syphilis. Acts well in lymphatic temperament, in very fleshy persons, dark complexion, black hair, unhealthy skin. Ailments from bad effects of vaccination (Ant. t., Sil.); from suppressed or maltreated gonorrhoea (Med.). Fixed ideas: as if a strange person were at his side; as if soul and body were separated; as if a living animal were in abdomen; of being under the influence of a superior power. Insane women will not be touched or approached. Vertigo, when closing the eyes (Lach., Ther.). Headache: as if a nail had been driven into parietal bone (Coff., Ign.); or as if a convex button were pressed on the part; < from sexual excesses; overheating from tea (Sel.); chronic, or sycotic or syphilitic origin. White scaly dandruff; hair dry and falling out. Eyes: ophthalmia neonatorum, sycotic or syphilitic; large granulations, like warts or blisters; > by warmth and covering; in uncovered, feels as if a cold stream of air were blowing out through them. Eyelids: agglutinated at night; dry, scaly on edges; styes and tarsal tumors; chalazae, thick, hard knots, like small condylomata; after Stapisagria partially > but does not cure. Ears: chronic otitis; discharge purulent, like putrid meat; granulations, condylomata; polypi, pale red, cellular, bleeding easily. Chronic catarrh: after exanthemata; thick, green mucus, blood and pus (Puls.). Teeth decay at the roots, crowns remain sound (Mez. - on edges, Staph.); crumble, turn yellow (Syph.). Ranula: bluish, or varicose veins on tongue or in mouth (Amb.). Toothache from tea drinking. "On blowing the nose a pressing pain in the hollow tooth or at the side of it (Culex)." - Boenninghausen. Abdomen: as if an animal were crying; motion as if something alive; protrudes here and there like the arm of a foetus (Croc., Nux m., Sulph.). Distressing, burning pain in left ovarian region when walking or riding, must sit or lie down (Croc., Ust.); worse at each menstrual nisus. Constipation: violent pains in rectum compel cessation of effort; stool recedes, after being partly expelled (Sanic., Sil.). Piles swollen, pain most severe when sitting. Diarrhoea: early morning; expelled forcibly with much flatus (Aloe); gurgling, as water from a bunghole; < after breakfast, coffee, fat food, vaccinations. Anus fissured, painful to touch surrounded with flat warts, or moist mucous condylomata. Coition prevented by extreme sensitiveness of the vagina (Plat. - by dryness, Lyc., Lys., Natr.). Skin: looks dirty; brown or brownish-white spots here and there; warts, large, seedy, pedunculated (Staph.); eruptions only on covered parts, burn after scratching. Flesh feels as if beaten, from the bones (Phyt. - as if scraped, Rhus). Sensation after urinating, as of urine trickling in urethra; severe cutting at close of urination (Sars.). Chill, beginning in the thighs. Sweat: only on uncovered parts; or all over except the head (rev. of Sil.); when he sleeps, stops when he wakes (rev. of Samb.); profuse, sour smelling, fetid at night. Persipration, smelling like honey, on the genitals. When walking the limbs feel as if made of wood. Sensation as if body, especially the limbs, were made of glass and would break easily. Suppressed gonorrhoea: causing articular rheumatism; prostatitis; sycosis; impotence; condylomata and many constitutional troubles. Nails: deformed, brittle (Ant. c.).
. - Complementary: Med., Sab., Sil. Compare: Cann. s., Canth., Cop., Staph. Cinnab. is preferable for warts on the prepuce. Follows well: after, Med., Mer., Nit. ac.
. - At night; from heat of bed; at 3 a. m. and 3 p. m.; from cold damp air; narcotics.
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