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Poison of the Honey Bee (Apium virus.)

Adapted to the strumous constitution; glands enlarged, indurated; scirrhus or open cancer. Women, specially widows; children and girls who, though generally careful, become awkward, and let things fall while handling them (Bov.). Bad effects of acute exanthema imperfectly developed or suppressed (Zinc.); measles, scarlatina, urticaria. Ailments from jealousy, fright, rage, vexation, bad news. Irritable; nervous; fidgety; hard to please. Weeping disposition; cannot help crying; discouraged, despondent (Puls.). Sudden shrill, piercing screams from children while waking or sleeping (Hellebore). Oedema; bag-like, puffy swelling under the eyes (over the eyes, Kali c.); of the hands and feet, dropsy, without thirst (with thirst, Acet. ac., Apoc.). Extreme sensitiveness to touch (Bell., Lach.). Pain: burning, stinging, sore; suddenly migrating from one part to another (Kali bi., Lac c., Puls.). Thirstlessness: in anasarca; acites (Acetic acid, but face more waxy and great thirst). Incontinence of urine, with great irritation of the parts; can scarcely retain the urine a moment, and when passed scalds severely; frequent, painful, scanty, bloody. Constipation: sensation in abdomen as if something tight would break if much effort were used. Diarrhoea: of drunkards; in eruptive diseases, especially if eruption be suppressed; involuntary from every motion, as though anus were wide open (Phos.). Affects right side; enlargement or dropsy of right ovary; right testicle. Intermittent fever; chill 3 p. m., with thirst, always (Ign.); < warm room and from external heat (Thuja, 3 a. m., and at 3 p. m.).
. - Complementary: Nat. mur. Disagrees, when used either before or after Rhus. Ars. and Puls. follow Apis well. Has cured scarlatina albuminuria after Canth., Dig., Hell. failed.
. - After sleeping (Lach.); closed, especially warmed and heated rooms are intolerable; from getting wet (Rhus), but better from washing or moistening the part in cold water.
. - Open air; cold water or cold bathing; uncovering; pains by coughing, walking or changing position; when sitting erect;


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