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Nutmeg. (Myristicaceae.)

Adapted especially to women and children of a nervous hysterical temperament (Ign.); to people with a dry skin who rarely perspire; complaints of pregnancy. Weakness of old age; dyspepsia of old people. Oversensitive: to light; of hearing; of smell; to touch. All the ailments are accompanied by drowsiness and sleepiness (Ant. t., Op.) or an inclination to faint even from slight pain (Hep.); complaints cause sleepiness. Stupor and insensibility; unconquerable sleep. Absence of mind; cannot think; great indifference to everything. Weakness or loss of memory (Anac., Lac c., Lyc.). Vanishing of thoughts while reading, talking or writing; using wrong words; does not recognize well known streets (Can. I., Lach.). Changeable humor; one moment laughing, the next crying (Croc., Ign.); "sudden change from grave to gay, from lively to serene" (Plat.). Dryness of eyes; too dry to close the lids. Great dryness of the mouth (Apis, Lach.); tongue so dry it adheres to roof of mouth; saliva seemed like cotton; throat dry, stiffened, no thirst (Puls.). Sensation of great dryness without real thirst and without actual dryness of the tongue. Great soreness of all the parts upon which one lies (Bap., Pry.); tendency to bed sores. Eating a little too much causes headache; painfulness and distress in stomach while eating or immediately after (Kali bi.). Abdomen enormously distended, after every meal. Diarrhoea: in summer, from cold drinks; epidemic in autumn, white stools (Colch.); from boiled milk; during dentition; during pregnancy; with sleepiness and fainting; in autumn, epidemic, white, fetid (Colch.). At every menstrual nisus, mouth, throat and tongue become intolerably dry, especially when sleeping. Leucorrhoea in place of menses (Coc.); patient, awakened with dry tongue (Lach.); physometra (Lac c., Lyc.). Pain, nausea and vomiting; during pregnancy; from wearing pessaries. Sudden hoarseness, < from walking against the wind (Euph., Hep.). Cough caused by: getting warm in bed; being overheated; during pregnancy (Con.); bathing, standing in water; living in cold, damp places (Nat. s.); loose after eating, dry after drinking. Sleep: irresistibly drowsy; sleepy, muddled, as if intoxicated; coma, lies silent, immovable; eyes constantly closed (with stetorous breathing, Op.). Rheumatic affections; from getting feet wet; from exposure to drafts to air while heated (Acon., Bry.); < in cold, wet weather, or cold wet clothes (Rhus); of left shoulder (Fer.). Backache, while riding in a carriage. Fatigue, must lie down after least exertion.
. - Nux moschata antidoes mercurial inhalation, lead colic, oil of turpentine, spiritous liquors and especially the effects of bad beers.
. - Cold, wet, windy weather (Rhod.); weather changes; cold food, water and cold washing; carriage driving (Coc.); lying on painful side ([Bry.], on painless side, Puls.).
. - In dry, warm weather; warm room; wrapping up warmly.


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