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Matricaria Chambilla. (Compositae)

Persons, especially children, with light brown hair, nervous, excitable temperament; oversensitive from use or abuse of coffee or narcotics. Children, new-born and during period of dentitionPeevish, irritable, oversensitive to pain, driven to despair (Coff.); snappish, cannot return a civil answer. Child exceedingly irritable, fretfulquiet only when carried; impatient, wants this or that and becomes angry when refused, or when offered, petulantly rejects it (Bry., Cina, Kreos.); "too ugly to live;" cross, spiteful. Piteous moaning of child because he cannot have what he wants; whining restlessness. Patient cannot endure any one near him; is cross, cannot bear to be spoken to (Sil.); averse to talking, answers peevishly. Complaints from anger, especially chill and fever. Pain: seems unendurable, drives to despair; < by heat; < evening before midnight; with heat, thirst and fainting; with numbness of affected part; eructations <. One cheek red and hot, the other pale and cold. Oversensitive to open air; great aversion to wind, especially about ears. Toothache if anything warm is taken into the mouth (Bis., Bry., Coff.); on entering a warm room; in bed; from coffee; during menses or pregnancy. Labor pains; spasmodic, distressing, wants to get away from them; tearing down the legs; press upward. Diarrhoea: from cold, anger or chagrinduring dentition; after tabacco; in child-bed; from downward motion (Bor., Sanic.). Stool green, watery, corroding, like chopped eggs and spinach; hot, very offensive, like rotten eggs. Nipples inflamed, tender to touch (Helon., Phyt.); infant's breasts tender to touch. Milk runs out in nursing women (runs out after weaning, Con.). Convulsions of children from nursing, after a fit of anger in mother (Nux - after fright in mother, Op.). Violent rheumatic pains drive him out of bed at night, compel him to walk about (Rhus). Sleepy, but cannot sleep (Bell., Caust., Op.). Burning of soles at night, puts feet out of bed (Puls., Med., Sulph.).
. - Complementary: Bell. in diseases of children, cranial nerves; Cham., abdominal nerves. In cases spoiled by the use of opium or morphine in complaints of children. Compare: Bell., Bor., Bry., Coff., Puls., Sulph. Mental calmness contra-indicates Chamomilla.
. - By heat; anger; evening, before midnight; open air; in the wind; eructations.
. - From being carried; fasting; warm, wet weather.


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