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Selenium. (The Element.)

Adapted to light complexion; blondes; great emaciation of face, hands, legs and feet, or single parts. Very forgetful in business, but during sleep dreams of what he has forgotten. Headache: of drunkards; after debauchery; after lemonade, tea, wile; every afternoon. Hair falls off, on head, eyebrows, whiskers, genitals. Coryza ending in diarrhoea. Hungry: at night (Cina, Psor.); longing for spiritous liquors, an almost irresistible maniacal desire. Constipation: stool large, hard, impacted so that it requires mechanical aid (Aloe, Cal., Sanic., Sep., Sil.); after serious illness, especially enteric fevers. Urine: red, dark, scanty; coarse, red, sandy, sediment; involuntary dribbling while walking. Impotence, with desire; lewd thoughts, but physically impotent (sudden impotence, Chlor.). Erections slow, insufficient, too rapid emission with long-continued threill; weak, ill-humored after coitus, often involuntary dribbling of semen and prostatic fluid which oozes while sitting, at stool, during sleep; gleet (Calad.). Priapism, glans drawn up (Berb., - drawn down, Canth.). Aphonia: after long use of voice; husky when beginning to sing; obliged to clear the throat frequently of a transparent starchy mucus (Arg. m., Stan.); tubercular laryngitis. Weak, easily exhausted; from either mental or physical labor; after typhoid, typhus, debauchery. Irresistible desire to lie down and sleep; strength suddenly leaves him; especially in hot weather. Very great aversion to a draft of air either warm, cold or damp. After typhoid, great weakness of spine, fears paralysis. Emaciation of affected parts.
. - Compare: Phos. in genito-urinary and respiratory symptoms; Arg. m. and Stan. in laryngitis of singers or speakers; Alum. hard stool, inactive rectum. Follows well: after, Calad, Nat., Staph., Phos. ac., in sexual weakness. Itch checked by Mercurials or Sulphur often requires Selenium.
. - Draught of air; in the sun; from lemonade, tea or wine.
. - Taking cold water or cold air into mouth.


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