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  P ompholyx is a common type of eczema effecting the handa (cheiropompholyx) and some times the feet (pedopompholyx) pompholyx is also known as dyshidrotic eczema or dyhidrosis. Causes.   pompholyx may be related to sweating. it most often affects young adults. there is a personal or family history of ectopic eczema in 50% flares oftn occcurs during hot weather or following emotional upset  an association with nickle contact allergy has been reported  it can follow tinea fungal infection ( when it is known as dermatophytid) symptoms  pomphoylx  presents as recurrent crops of deep seated blisters on the palm and soles. they csuses intense itch and or burning sensation. the blistes peel off and the skin then appears red , dry and has painful fissures( cracks). severe pompholyx around nail flds may causes nail dystrophy ,resulting in irregular rides and chronic paronychia (nail fold swelling). Medical Advices  as in other forms of hand dermatitis, pompho...


 c ellulities is the bacterial infection off the skin and underlying tissues that causes redness and swelling , in cellulities an area of the skin and underlying tissuess become infected bcteria that enter through a small possibly unnoticed wound.the infection causes redness ,pain and swelling and most commonly affects the legs. cellulites may lead to boils and carbuncles.  Causes  Elderly  people are especially vulnarable to Cellulites because many of them have poor ciculation which leads to edema or leg ulcers these problems increase the risk of infection. other risk factors for cellulities include  intravenous drug abusers  Insects bites and stings animal bites or human bite Injury or trauma with a break in the skin (skin wound ). Diabetes and aids  Recent cardiovascular ,pulmonary (lungs)dental or other procedures. symptoms  Redness and swelling that increases in size as the infection spreads  Warmth in the affected area of the skin ...


  C hickenpox is a viral infection in which a person develops extremely itchy blisters all over the body it used to be one of the classic childhood diseases. however it has become much less common since the introduction of the chickenpox vaccine. chickenpox is caused by the varicella zoster virus, a member of the herpes virus family. the same virus also causes herpes zoster (singles) in adults. chickenpox can be spread easily to others.We may get chickenpox from touching the fluids from the blister , or if someone with the disease coughs or sneezes near you. even those with mild illness may be contagious. A person  with chickenpox becomes contagious 1 to 2 days before their blisters appear. they remain contagious untill blister have crusted over. Most cases of chickenpox occurs in children younger than 10. the disease is usually mild ,although serious complications sometimes occur adults and older children usually get siker than younger children.  Children whose mothers h...


 It is  the  medical term of the sensation exactly resemble  like crawling of insects under the skin. it is one specific form of a set of sensation known as parasthesias, which also include the more common prickling tingling sensation known as pins and needles, formication is a well documented symptoms which has numerous possible causes.  formication is derived from latin word ant . formication may sometimes be experienced as felling of  itchiness ,tingling,pins,and needles burning or even pain. when formication is percieved as itchiness, it may trigger the scratch reflex and because of this some people who are suffring from the sensation are at risk of causing skin damage through excessive scratching.  in some instance static electricity can attract particulates to the skin and can cause body hair to move giving  a sensation like insects crawling over the skin. how ever in many cases no external trigger creates the sensation. in rare cases ,indiv...

Atopic Dermatitis

 Atopic dermatitis  is a long term (chronic is referred ) skin disorder  that  involves scaly and itching rashes. causes  Atopic dermatitis is due to a skin reaction (similar to an allergen) in the skin the reaction leads to ongoing swelling and redness. people with atopic dermatitis may be more sensitive because their skin lacks certain proteins.  Atopic dermatitis is most common in infants. it may starts as early as age 2  to 6 months. many people  outgrow it by early childhood. people with atopic dermatitis often have asthma or seasonal allergies. There is often a family history of allergies such as asthma ,hay fevr , or eczema. people with atopic dermatitis often  test positive to allergy skin tests. however, atopic dermatitis is not caused by allergies. The  following can make atopic dermatitis symptoms worse: allergies to pollen, mold , dust mites, or animals. cold and dry air in the winter  colds or the flu contact  with...


 scabies  is an easily spread caused by a very small type of mites. scabies is  found among people of all age group and ages around the world. scabies  spread by skin to skin sharing clothes or bedding. sometimes whole families are affected. outbreaks of scabies are more common in nursing homes ,nursing facilities ,college hostels ,and child care centres, The mites that cause scabies burrow into the skin and they lays eggs .this forms a burrow that looks like pencil marks.egg hatches in 21 days .the itchey rashe is an allegric response  to the  mites . pets and animals cannot spread human scabies ,it is also  not likely for  scabies to be spread by ,     A  swimming pool  contact with the towels ,bedding and clothing of someone who has scabies unless the person has what is called scabies.  symptoms  itching ,most commonly at night. rashes, mostly between the fingers. sores (abrashion) on the skin from scratching and d...


 Dandruff is a common chronic scalp condition marked by flaking of the skin on your scalp.dandruff of skin is not contagious and but is seriousa as it is  embarrassing and  sometimes difficult to treat. The best part is that dandruff can be  can be controlled. mild cases of dandruff may need just shampooing and simple and  gentle cleansers. causes  dandruff can have several causes including : Dry skin  is the most common  cause  of  dandruff. flakes from dry skin are generally smaller and less oily than those from other causes of dandruff and will likely have symptoms and  signs of dry skin on other parts of the body such as your legs and arm irritated oily skin ( seboric dermatitis )   main causes of dandruff is marked  by red greassy skin covered with flaky white yellow scales. seborrheic dermatitis may affect your scalp and other areas not h rich in oil glad such as your eyesbrows the sides of your nose and the bck...