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Lichen Planus 

Lichen Planus is a condition that forms an itchy rash on the skin or in the mouth.


The exact causes of lichen planus are unknown. it may be related to an allergic or immune reaction.

Risks for the condition include:

Exposure to medicines dyes and other chemicals (gold .antibiotics' arsenic iodides, chloroquine, quinacrine, quinine, phenothiazines, and diuretics)

Diseases such as hepatitis C

Lichen Planus mostly affects middle aged adults.

It is less in children.


Mouths sores

may be tender or painful mild case may not cause pain 

may  present on both side of tongue or inside of the cheek or gums

look like blue white spots or pimples forms likes blue white spots or pimples form likes in  a lacy network 

Gradually increase in size of the affected area.

Some times form painful ulcers

Skin sores

Are usually found on the inner wrist legs torso or genitals 

Are itchy 

Have  even sides symmetrical and shape border 

Occur in single lesion or clusters often at the skin injury 

May be covered with with thin  white streak or scratch mark ( called wickhms strae)

Are shinny or scally looking 

Have a dark reddish purple color on the skin or are gray white in the mout 

May develop blisters or ulcers

Other symptoms 

Dry mouth 

Hair loss 

Mettalic taste in the mouth 

Ridges in the nails(nail abnormailies )

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